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City of Fort Smith


DELTAWRX assisted the City of Fort Smith, Arkansas Police Department with planning, procuring and negotiating a contract for a replacement Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) and Mobile System, Law Enforcement Records Management System (RMS), and Fire Records Management System (Fire RMS).

DuPage County ETSB


DELTAWRX assisted DuPage County with the replacement of its CAD, Mobile Computing, Law RMS and Field Reporting applications. The solution was designed to be used by 65 public safety agencies and ten PSAPs across the County, facilitating county-wide data sharing and providing users with increased application software functionality.

Arlington County


The Arlington County Police Department and Sheriff’s Office engaged DELTAWRX to assist with replacing law enforcement RMS and field reporting, corrections management and civil processing applications.

Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission


The Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission (CCRPC) engaged DELTAWRX to develop a plan to consolidate nine emergency services dispatching operations located throughout the county.

City of Boise


The Boise Police Department (BPD) engaged DELTAWRX to assess its technology portfolio and develop a five-year strategic technology plan that would allow the department to leverage technology to fully achieve desired operational goals and improve the efficiency of agency staff.

City of Pittsburgh


The City of Pittsburgh engaged DELTAWRX to complete a strategic review of public safety technology for the Department of Public Safety and the Police, Fire, EMS and Animal Services Bureaus, and develop a strategic roadmap to guide future investments in technology.

Fauquier County


DELTAWRX is assisting Fauquier County in the procurement, contract negotiations, and implementation of a new CAD, RMS, and JMS solution. When operational, the system will be utilized by the Fauquier County Sheriff’s Office (FCSO), Warrenton Police Department, Remington Police Department, and the Fauquier County Fire Rescue System.

Metro Transit Police Department


DELTAWRX provided a strategic plan to assist the Metro Transit Police Department plan for and implement a body-worn camera program. We also specified technical requirements, calculated staff needed to support the program, provided a budget and recommended policies for developing and maintaining the program.

Black Hawk County Consolidated Communications Center


DELTAWRX assessed the governance and operations of the Black Hawk Consolidated Communications Center . We analyzed staffing, roles and workloads, reviewed business practices, examine the governance agreement and cost-sharing model, and provided recommendations to improve operations, funding and governance.

City of Minneapolis


DELTAWRX assessed the Minneapolis Police Department's records management and report writing environment and built a business case for procuring new technology. We subsequently assisted MPD as it procured and implemented new information technology to support operations and transition away from an inefficient and paper-intensive environment.

Albemarle County, Charlottesville & the University of Virginia


DELTAWRX assisted the Charlottesville-UVA-Albemarle County Emergency Communications Center, and the law enforcement and fire/EMS agencies for which it provides dispatching services, with replacing regional public safety software applications.

City of Boston


DELTAWRX developed a Strategic Technology and Implementation Plan for Boston's Police, Fire, and EMS Departments. We then assisted with the procurement and implementation of a new CAD/law RMS system, including mapping business processes and advising on change management activities.

Client Success is Our Highest Priority

DELTAWRX has built a reputation for outstanding customer service by exceeding client expectations and taking extra steps to ensure that project outcomes yield beneficial results

DELTAWRX consultants possess exceptional skills in effectively communicating complex technology concepts in a manner that resonates with municipal and state management, elected officials, agency employees, and the general public.


Learn more about what we can offer your agency by scrolling through the following list of representative projects. 

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