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Fauquier County


* Needs Assessment
* Requirements Definition
* RFP Development
* Proposal Evaluation
* Implementation Oversight
* Contract Negotiations

Service Population: 


DELTAWRX is assisting Fauquier County in the procurement, contract negotiations, and implementation of a new CAD, RMS, and JMS solution. When operational, the system will be utilized by the Fauquier County Sheriff’s Office (FCSO), Warrenton Police Department, Remington Police Department, and the Fauquier County Fire Rescue System.

Fauquier County is located approximately 40 miles from Washington DC, covers about 650 square miles, and is home to almost 75,000 residents. The FCSO runs the Joint Communications Center, which operates with 6 personnel on duty at all times, serving local law enforcement and the FCFRS. Annually, the Center receives nearly 80,000 calls for service.

As an initial task in our project, DELTAWRX conducted a needs assessment that outlines the requirements of a future solution and provided recommendations for a procurement strategy. After achieving stakeholder buy-in, DELTAWRX authored a detailed RFP that defines the functional requirements for CAD, RMS, and JMS solutions, as well as associated interfaces. Currently, DELTAWRX is assisting the County with evaluating proposals received in response to the RFP. Following this phase, DELTAWRX will lead contract negotiations with the selected vendor on behalf of the County and then provide project management services during implementation.

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