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P25 Technology Interest Group Showcases Central Indiana Counties

We are pleased to announce that the Project 25 (P25) Technology Interest Group recently showcased the City of Indianapolis, Marion County, Hamilton County and Madison County for their regional interoperable communications network. P25 is the standard for the design and manufacture of interoperable digital two-way wireless communications products.

P25 Implementation

DELTAWRX was privileged to work with the City of Indianapolis, Marion County and Hamilton County on the comprehensive regional P25 communications network that is discussed in a white paper which can be found here. The paper describes how prior to utilizing the P25 architecture, all three counties were required to maintain radio systems in their respective Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) and create patches to the respective jurisdictions in order to communicate. Patching was frequently problematic and unreliable at best, with field units unable to communicate directly with other field units in neighboring jurisdictions. The participating entities identified this challenge as a first responder safety issue that was especially pressing during large or critical events.

With the upgrade to a P25 system, the three counties now share talkgroups, including public works talkgroups, to allow for greater operational efficiency. The counties have also created several mutual aid talkgroups in the event of a large-scale disaster or event like the Super Bowl. An additional benefit of the three counties upgrading to P25 is the ability to support interoperable communications with the State of Indiana’s P25 system. This system is utilized by hundreds of agencies throughout Indiana as well as by federal public safety partners.

DELTAWRX was first involved with Indianapolis and Marion County in the procurement of the original trunked system in 1992 and assisted in their upgrade to P25 in 2006. We then assisted Hamilton County in extending the P25 system to their County in partnership with Indianapolis and Marion County. Their efforts, along with Marion County, to improve interoperability, share resources and leverage taxpayer dollars should be a model for communities throughout the nation.

To learn more about our work in central Indiana, or to discuss how we might be able to assist your public safety agency with transitioning to a P25 system, please contact us at or

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