Albemarle County, Charlottesville & the University of Virginia
* Needs Assessment
* Requirements Definition
* RFP Development
* Proposal Evaluation
* Contract Negotiations
* Implementation Oversight
Service Population:
DELTAWRX assisted the Charlottesville-UVA-Albemarle County Emergency Communications Center, and the law enforcement and fire/EMS agencies for which it provides dispatching services, with replacing regional public safety software applications.
To conduct this multi-jurisdictional, multi-disciplinary engagement, DELTAWRX interviewed more than 120 individuals from ten different agencies and explored the potential for improved information sharing among these various stakeholders. We prepared an assessment of the legacy CAD, Mobile Computing, law RMS and Report Writing, JMS, Fire RMS and ePCR applications, provided budgetary estimates for a new system and documented end-user business needs in each functional area.
DELTAWRX assisted the Region with reaching a consensus on the scope of the future system and prepared the RFP for a new, integrated suite of public safety applications. We ultimately supported the Region with negotiating separate contracts for the CAD/law enforcement RMS/JMS solution and the fire RMS/PCR solution.
We supported the Region with system implementation by reviewing vendor deliverables, monitoring issues and risks and supporting project communications.